I don't know much about the "Reading crisis" other than that kids and grown-ups don't read a lot. It's not that hard to see why. Reading is hard (harder than watching YouTube at least) and reading takes time... I guess those two are enough reason.
But what happens when we don't read books anymore? For me the biggest loss is very similar to what I feel when I don't exercise. I would go so far as to say the Biggest reason I read books (fiction, biographies and technical books) is: "I feel bad if I don't". It's not like I feel depressed or anything just bad. So I leave it at that, and I read books, because it feels good! :)
Let's end this random post with a list of books I recently read and very much enjoyed:
- Let's Go Further (Technical book about building Go apps)
- Children of Time (Science Fiction, Space exploration, Philosophy)
- The star diaries (Science Fiction, Space exploration, Short stories)